Random Dialogues at High Clandon Vineyard

Random Dialogues
3 min readJul 19, 2023


with the Fussy Bitches on Tour

The “FBOTs” went to High Clandon Vineyard for one of our fussy adventures.

First, we stopped off for a coffee at M&R Barber and Brew in Burpham.

As we’ve got a thing about flamingoes, Lin (FBOT’s chief photographer) presented us with a fantastic jute flamingo bag from this Etsy seller

Then we headed to the vineyard for a walk, talk and picnic.

In the Random Dialogue below, with Jen in July 2020 at High Clandon, she chats about English Sparkling Wine and uses posh words like terroir ⬇️

Meanwhile, Sunday’s Burpham Wellfest was a wonderful way to wind down. Ruth ‘No Middle Name” Stone, invited me to participate in the World of Wellbeing for Young People panel where I spoke about bolstering children’s resilience.

By the way, where’s your resilience hanging out today? Mine definitely gets a top-up from connecting, laughing lots and playing with friends.

Thanks to Sally Sidani for snapping the panel pic below and for joining us in the audience. Sally spoke at Random Dialogues 23 about “Why Menopause Affects Everyone” » HERE at 10:00 mins.

✒️5 Sentences from You

(a space for readers to share 5 sentences — keep them coming)

Better Government for a Better Future by Ian Moncrieff MacMillan

The way the current system is engineered gives near-total control over our laws to one person, the Prime Minister, who can change these almost at will without having to bother much about parliament (as the ministers the Prime Minister appoints can legally change or implement key laws as they see fit).

I sense we’ve had enough of this circus.

We must get better at “doing government” if we’re going to get out of the mess we’re in…and have any chance of overcoming the big challenges/threats we face.

We need to cut all the macho confrontations in politics, stop undermining/reversing whatever the other lot did, ditch all the headline-driven antics…..and have more collaboration, more diligence, and more delivery of better outcomes for all of us.

We need a better system. It’s time to finally elect our PMs via Proportional Representation.

Random Diablogs

Our Nervous Systems’ primary role is to conduct sound by Yvette Masure

What we say and think through sound frequency in our cranium (skull) travels throughout our body.

The nerves have piso-electrical sound pulses, which can be seen as cymatic frequencies & patterns, in and on every cell of our body. The implications of this leads to Frequency Medicine.

Sound initially from internally comes from the root sound, of our heart beat, from the Bundle of Hiss. That heat creates electricity in our bodies. So then with every cell generating electricity and the fact that all cells contain water, which is a conductor, we have the potential for all electrical current to flow through all our cells: and this sound: creates heat: which in turn creates electricity. Our endorphins then flow via the sound healing which mediates and banishes pain.

To be continued 🙏next issue 🐼💚🌱 #wabisabi


  • Thursday 27th July, 10 am to noon, Guildford Buzz, at ZERO Guildford » ATTEND
  • Monday 31st July, 2pm to 3.30pm, Family Relaxation with me, at Burpham Yurt >>CLICK
  • Monday 4th September, 6 pm FREE Canva for Beginners on Zoom (I’ll show you how to make a gif too) » BOOK
  • Thursday 28th September, 8 pm to 9 pm Random Dialogues #25 online What’s the Topic, Issue, or Subject that you’re Passionate About and Want to Share? 6 speakers, 6 minutes each, 60 minutes. Confirmed speakers at mo — Annelize Kidd, Clare Millington, Phil Shepherd, Matt Cadman and Sarah Winterflood » SPEAKER BRIEF for info, perhaps you’d like to give it a go? Respond to this update and let me know or contact me HERE

