Hope You Can See Something In This


This month’s speakers at Random Dialogues “Stand UP & Speak For Yourself” were -

Yiannis Fafalios “Thrills and Spills on My Family Roller Coaster Startup Ride”

Bob Davies “Deja Vu Or Not?”

Niall Jones “Finding Your Space”

Jason Arbiter “My Therapist Quit On Me”

Mike Holdstock “Doing That Which Must Be Done”

Me “Random Dialogues — Marcus Rashford”

With love to all the crew who tuned in to engage including — Eugenia Anastassiou, Susan, and Phil Shepherd

Perhaps you’d like to come and join in too?

In the meantime, here’s a Random Dialogues newsletter

and below is a big eye from Jason Arbiter

By the way, I just got called a “Karen” on my Mum_Coach instagram reel. Should I take this as a compliment?

This week I also became a confirmed author.

Thank you for reading this far.

Jane Tyson



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