Happy Kids -What's Resilience Got To Do With It?

Random Dialogues
3 min readJul 29, 2021


Niall Jones kindly invited me to speak at the Peer Space about my Resilient Kidsmovement, and ways we can bolster our children’s resilience.

At the start of the talk, I said —

My mission is to give kids VISION, VITALITY & VOICE and in this talk I will share what that really means and demonstrate how that builds children up to be more confident in themselves and competent in life.

As I am an ambassador for Thortspace I felt it would be a good idea to map out my ideas beforehand. I was also very inspired by Dee Bosworth giving this a go recently too!

I made the journey below, if you click on the orange “thorts” they take you to some other useful links too -

Here is the talk

And below a screenshot of some of the lovely folk who came to engage and support

The Peer Space is Hosted by Niall Jones (top left)

I’ll be speaking about Resilient Kids again and my contribution to a book called “Meanings Over Milestones” at the Burpham Wellfest on Sunday, August 22nd.

Also, September is the next Random Dialogues speaking event. These talks are for up to 6 minutes — Preach what you preach! Shout your Shout! Got a rant? Speak your Passion! Have a go here…Whilst the Peer space is focused on YOU for almost the hour. Perhaps you have a message you’d like to share, so come and join us at one or both?



By the way, I just brought a copy of “Our Time To RISE” written by business experts Steve Pipe and Paul Dunn — one of the founders of the B1G1 global initiative — about how businesses can make a difference and improve the lives of so many around the world through impact giving. The book has a forward from the wonderful team at WhatWeWant, and as a result of my purchase …

"WhatWeWant just planted two trees for both your contributions and we have also donated to the 'Provide Access to a Toilet' programme for families in Malawi through B1G1".

You can take a peek at how I’m weaving in WhatWeWant with my Resilient Kids passion project here.

My daughter, aged 6 whilst we were on our 2-year teaching adventure in Tanzania



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