A Glad I Did It Story — Magic In Mindfulness
A “Glad I Did It Story” originally written on 8th June 2020.
rama.dasaratha writes in our LIFESmart Facebook community, “Sharing a Glad I Did It Story is an important activity for sharing work in progress and playing it forward. It enables us to share our story in a way that others can gain actionable insights.”
Why this story?
The story is about a practical guide for mindfulness ebook. It has 19 pages with large text, and encourages individuals to explore mindfully where their creativity is and ignite their passions!
“Extremely useful little ebook by the force of nature and creative volcanicity that is Jane Tyson, an easily digestible and practical list of tips to help you keep your shizzle together.
There is magic in mindfulness and I’ve found Jane’s tips for managing moments of immense usefulness recently. Highly recommend, this is the first of a series of ebooks, courses and downloadables coming soon.” Jackie Holmes
Questions from Rama:
- When did I become Aware of_________________?
- When did I Discover that it was doable and worth doing?
- How did we decide on our next steps (Direction)?
- What did we do to make it work (Integration)?
- How am I doing (Transformation)?
- How did we share our learning with others/Who do we talk to about our project? (Together)?
When did I become Aware of creating an ebook?
Four years ago I learned how simple it was to create a pdf from a document and call it an ebook! Its possible I could transform many blogs, workshops, and ideas into ebooks, how about you?
When did I Discover that it was doable and worth doing?
There is so much noise on social media, many ideas, plus plenty of mindfulness courses, so why another? I wanted to practise creating something simple and also beneficial for others, to:
- stay more present and less caught up in negative emotions,
- deepen their awareness and respond more skillfully to events in their lives
- develop a loving-kindness towards others
- nudge their creativity
How did I decide on my next steps (Direction)?
I wrote the text in google docs and originally transferred to Powerpoint and created a pdf. Recently I had a play and created the ebook in Canva. My mate Jackie put it on Designrr to have another play, however, this isn’t something I find easy to work with at the moment, so have published it via Canva again and then uploaded it to sell on Gumroad.
What did I do to make it work (Integration)?
I have been using Canva for a while now and have got quicker at creating with it.
How am I doing (Transformation)?
As a result of becoming more skilled at using Canva I am also delivering sessions to help people “Enhance Their Social Media & Marketing”.
The ‘Magic in Mindfulness’ ebook is also offered as a free download when people book a 10-minute mindfulness session online with me for £10. It is a good way to get a feel for each other! To date copies have sold from 60p to £15!
How did I share our learning with others/Who do I talk to about my project? (Together)?
A few friends read it and offered feedback, Jacked edited it and I shared this video too on a few platforms for fun. I mapped out this Glad I Did It Journey in Thortspace below too:
What’s Your Glad I Did it Story?